Rural England Prosperity Fund
Oscar Smith
The Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) is in place to help reduce rural poverty and increase rural productivity.
Would you like to reduce your exposure to volatile commodity prices and input costs?
Can you provide a valuable service to your local community?
Have you got a passion that you do not have time to fulfill because your core business is all consuming?
You could answer any of the above questions and take positive actions towards changing your business/lifestyle to achieve your desired outcome using the REPF.
DEFRA have released £110m worth of funding to local authorities toimprove rural wellbeing and rural productivity. The fund can be utilised by private and public sector organisations as well as charities.
Projects could range from glamping sites to on farm vending machines or wedding venues to tourism lets.
Funding is due to be available from April 2023 through to April 2025 and successful application will be those that meet their local needs and priorities, set out by the local council.
The application process is likely to be similar to that of the LEADER grants previously offered to rural businesses, however the process in each area is likely to be different.
If you have a great idea you would like to get off the ground or would like to understand what the priorities are in your area then please give use a call, send us an email or open up the chat box.